We are at a crossroads. The world as we know it is ending – it has been ending for a long time, but now most of us are becoming aware that it is happening. The question is – what story will we choose? What macro narrative will inform the new world? Or to put it in other terms relevant to this blog -> What myth will we live by?
From the decaying corpse of turbo capitalism two children are emerging, fighting for our attention. These fraternal twins both want the same – a safe future, a predictable environment and peace on Earth. But their modus operandi and underlying values are widely different. Their names are Technocracy and Ecocracy.

This model or unfolding story is well known here in the West. These days this potential future has become symbolised by a figurehead in the collective consciousness – geek, entrepreneur and philantropist Bill Gates. Bill and the mindset he represents are related to the classical idea of “Man vs. Nature” as in humanity needing to transcend the implicit boundaries of nature to survive and thrive. And when I say nature, this also pertains to our inner nature. Within this idea field we find the concepts of transhumanism, surveillance society, AI and centralized global governance.
This society model is deeply rooted in Abrahamic religion. These Western myths are patriarchal and monotheistic (One God rules All), makes Man the steward and master of Nature and sees homo sapiens sapiens as inherently sinful and flawed. The body (aka Nature) is looked down upon as something to be conquered, to go beyond. Even though most wannabe technocrats are atheists, you only have to drop a “c” and an “n” and rearrange the “h” and voilá – you have a theocrat. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Central tenets of technocracy are:
- Control
- Man above Nature
- Hierarchy/Patriarchy
- Reliant on fear and division
- Survival/Safety trumps Liberty
- Monoculture
- Nature (and by extension – humanity) is flawed and must be fixed
- Rational thought – follow the Head
- Knowledge-based
- The Elite will save us
- Solutions are outside of ourselves
- Individual separation
- One Objective Truth
Actually, this concept or macro-narrative is only an exaggeration of what we are already living under. Doubling down as it were. In its most egregrious form, a technocracy is a theocracy with the same roles, but different actors. Instead of an All-Seeing judgemental patriarchal God we have an ever-evolving AI privy to the data of everyone in the world. A God that actually has the power to intervene and flag possible rabble-rousers or anyone opposing the rules of the system, whether they be just or unjust. Instead of a priesthood we have the digital entrepreneurs, the Gates’, the Zuckerbergs and the Musks, who alone are able to give us salvation. And if we do not believe in the religion and try to live outside the boundaries of the faith, it will be hard. The faith is all-pervasive, so pervasive it is not even seen as faith. But fact.
Yet it is not a fact. It is a myth. Which does not mean it is a lie – see Just a Myth? It is a hybridized version of the Catholic Church at its worst, wanting to reinstate feudalism, controlling humanity under one scripture, creating consensus and making dissent a heresy. The end goal is transhumanism, either extending the lifespan of the human body ad infinitum or digitizing our consciousness and living forever in a virtual paradise, where we (or some) will become as Gods themselves.
Is this evil? No. It is a perspective born from fear and mistrust. It is the result of the bloody legacy of the Western hemisphere and
Thou shalt not have any Gods before Me
Same shit. Different wrapping.
Within this narrative or myth climate change is still a reality, but the solution to our exploitation and destruction of Nature is to “fix” and destroy it further. Going back to our symbolic figurehead, Gates is a proponent for geo-engineering, as in e.g. spraying the air with chemicals to block the light of the sun. Green technology is seen as the solution, yet in many instances, developing wind and carbon capture parks is done with the same mindset that caused the problem, without regard for ecosystems or the inter-relationship between living beings. This way of seeing the world is very monomanic and elitist and is concerned with saving humanity at all costs.

It is also very masculine. The masculine gaze has been, since we sauntered around in the Stone Age, a hunter’s gaze, developed to bring one object, one animal of prey, into sharp focus.
Today the male gaze watches us from above. CCTV cameras are ubiquitous. We talk about throwing off the shackles of patriarchy, a system that has caused suffering for both women and men, but the male gaze, imbalanced and unchecked, is still running rampant and trying to keep its power intact.
Through a new potential myth of global society:
The Technocracy.

So what is the other twin? What other path beckons? This other road is by its nature more multifaceted and does not really have a set name or principle. But ecocracy seems like a good term to describe it, nevertheless.
As the name would imply, this speaks of a system of society where ecology is the most important factor, where decision-making and developments are made with inter-relationships of natural systems in mind. Nature is not to be conquered, but to be cooperated with.
The symbolic figureheads of ecocracy in today’s world are the indigineous communities. For centuries seen as savage, backwards and primitive by what we have chosen to call the civilized world, many of these people are now coming forwards with their teachings and understanding related to our connection with Nature.
After the terrible forest fires Down Under, The Aborigines of Australia are teaching their countrymen how they have burned the forest responsibly for milennia. The Greenlandic shaman Angaangaq started informing the world about the melting ice caps decades ago because the elders of his community knew that in their ancient oral traditions the ice had never been shrinking to this level before. Today he says that the Greenlandic ice is gone, but there is still time to melt the ice in the heart of Man, something he endeavours to assist with by initating people all over the world in shamanic ceremonies. Women of indigineous communities all over the globe are sharing their knowledge of how to work with nature, yielding better and more sustainable results than industrial agriculture on a local scale.
These traditions now coming to the fore are wisdom-based and related mythologically to pantheistic belief systems where Man is but one of Nature’s many aspects, in a sense the neurons, the thinking mind of the Earth herself. Everything is seen as having a spirit, ie sentient, and worthy of our respect. In an ecocracy, Nature does not need fixing, and we need less activity, not more.
Does an ecocracy mean reverting to basic lives with no amenities? Are we all supposed to go “native”? Not necessarily. New scientific endeavours in the fields of biology, epigenetics, agriculture etc. supplement the ancient wisdom, and look at ways that we can use this understanding for the common good. How we can adapt to a changing climate without destroying Nature more than we already have. We do not have to stop progress, just change the mythological framework through which we interpret and channel our progress. If we change the story, our approach will also change.

Mycologist Paul Stamets is one of the scientific pioneers in this new world of understanding. He has opened up our knowledge of the world of fungi like no other, showing us how much we have yet to grasp about the natural world beneath our feet.
We have believed we have to fix nature because of the story we have told ourselves. And that not doing it, means going back to the Stone Age. But Nature is not our enemy. We are Nature. When removing the blinders of this story from our eyes, new possibilities emerge on how to progress on a different path. And knowledge we didn’t see because we were prevented by dogma will illuminate it.
Central tenets of ecocracy are:
- Freedom
- Man is Nature
- Interdependence/Matriarchy
- Reliant on love and community
- Liberty trumps Survival/Safety
- Polyculture
- We have forgotten that we are Nature and need to return to it
- Intuitive feeling – follow the Heart
- Wisdom-based
- We will save ourselves together. We are the ones we have been waiting for.
- Solutions are inside of ourselves.
- Collective union
- Many subjective truths
Ecocracy’s outlook is more similar to the female gaze. A gaze that takes in the entire environment without specificity and focus and detail, but with a deep understanding of the whole, that the male gaze often forgets. This has been, ever since humanity’s beginning, the gaze of the caregiver, the nurturer and the gatherer.
Diving into Myth
So, here they are, these two paths appearing before us. Looking at them and the contrasts between them, they almost seem like perfect opposites. Like left brain and right brain, like Yang and Yin, masculine and feminine. They both represent myths of society that we can choose to live by, but the story of the two relate to an even deeper myth. A myth with old roots that has resurfaced in a new guise in the present day. The myth of Atlantis and Lemuria.

We all know Atlantis. Popularised by the philosopher Plato, who wrote of this mysterious continent in his Socratic Dialogues.
Atlantis was an advanced maritime civilization, its main city consisting of several concentric circles both on land and water. The civilization perished and disappeared under the waves after fighting an unjust war against a smaller city state, being a representation of everything Atlantis was not.
Where Atlantis was greedy and imperialistic, this city-state was austere and freedom-loving. Where Atlantis focused purely on scientific pursuits and the amassing of knowledge, this city-state was of a more spiritual bent, looking inwards for answers.
The city-state in question is clearly homogenous with Athens, making it more or less universally accepted that Plato used this story as a parable of modern politics. And this is probably true.

But then there is Solon. Plato says that the original story of Atlantis comes from Solon, an Athenian lawgiver and poet 200 years or so Plato’s senior. Solon had a ten year sojourn in Egypt where he had many conversations with the Egyptian priesthood.
You have no antiquity of history, and no history of antiquity
(Egyptian priest to Solon, according to Plato)
These priests claimed that they were the leftovers of Atlantean civilization, preserving its legacy. And they said that Atlantis had disappeared 9000 years ago (approx. 9600 BC), which, incidentally, puts the event at the end of the last Ice Age.
Now, theories about ancient, lost civilizations abound. Whether an actual civilization existed before our own or not, can not, at this point in time, be factually proven. But mythically? Hell, yes. Atlantis is one of the oldest myths of Western civilization, and can as such tell us a lot about who we are.
Now, newer versions of the myth say that the survivors of the cataclysm of Atlantis spread all across the globe, building pyramids (representing a lost divine technology) and trying to save and restart civilization. The story goes that the priests of Atlantis never actually died out, they formed secret societies that spread and took part in the forming of nations, steering the course of history, that they became an insidious organisation known as the Illuminati, the Illumined Ones, and that they, in fact, are the master engineers of the potential future of the technocracy itself. A technocracy that furthers the Atlantean vision of control, supremacy, knowledge and seeking the truth through observation of the outside world.
And interestingly enough, this myth is actually the backdrop for a small portion of the backlash facing Bill Gates and technocrats like him today. And in mythical terms, they are right. There need not be an Illuminati or an Atlantis in the world of reality as long as they exist in the world of dreams. Atlantean values exist, and they are perpetuated by people today. They are equal to the tenets of technocracy, and as such the old story of Atlantis is the mythical counterpart to the emerging story of the technocracy.
Lemuria or mu
Lemuria and Mu are the names of two other hypothetical lost civilizations, both seemingly situated in the Pacific Ocean.

Lemuria was given its name by zoologist and biogeographer Philip Sclater who in the 1860s discovered that very similar species of monkeys lived and thrived in both Madagascar and India.
He theorized that the sea level must have been much lower thousands of years ago, creating a much larger connected landmass. He named this land Lemuria after the monkeys that prompted his discovery – the lemurs. Lemur, incidentally means ghost or spirit in Latin.
And Sclater was at least partly correct. Modern computerized inundation maps show that during the last Ice Age, India and the current island of Sri Lanka were part of a much larger landmass stretching far out into the Indian Ocean. And though Sclater didn’t mention the possibility of an earlier civilization, the Tamils of Sri Lanka did. Their ancient legends tell of a mythical continent in the Indian Ocean named Kumari Kandam, where a proto-civilization from which the Tamils descend thrived. This continent, as did Atlantis, disappeared under the waves.
Theosophists in the late 19th century extrapolated Sclater’s theories of Lemuria and created (or received, depending on your perspective) the mythology of the different root races of the world, races that came and went in preceding civilizations. The third root race were the Lemurians, according to the theosophists. This theory was incidentally later used in the name of eugenics by the occult aspect of Nazi Germany, which is a different, but extremely fascinating and unsettling story.
Now, what about Mu?
In the decades following Sclater’s discovery, French scribe and photographer Augustus Le Plongeon became fascinated by old Maya inscriptions he found while travelling in Central America. He translated them and claimed to find that the Mayans were originally refugees from a continent in the Atlantic Ocean called Mu that sunk in a great cataclysm. Augustus connected the dots to Solon’s story derived from the Egyptians and became one of the first to popularise the theory of the pyramid creating cultures of the world being descendants of Atlantis or, as the Mayans called the continent: Mu.
British occultist James Churchward wrote books of Mu in the 1920s. He said that he had been allowed to look at small inscribed tablets that were kept in a golden chest in India. There he read a story of a huge continent in the Pacific Ocean that was destroyed by extreme hurricanes, earthquakes and floods 13,000 years ago. He coined it Mu based on Le Plongeon’s findings.
So, Mu was maybe the Mayan name for the continent the Greeks called Atlantis. While the popular understanding of Mu which arose with Churchward is related to a disappearing continent in the Pacific Ocean that may correlate with Sclater’s theories of Lemuria. Which is why Lemuria and Mu are often interchangable terms for Atlantis’ counterpart.
Now, the modern version of the myth of the Pacific lost civilization (Lemuria/Mu) says that this was a matriarchal culture which focused on wisdom, on looking inward to find answers, to find the divine, and that when their world collapsed, they spread their wisdom-based traditions all over the eastern hemisphere. According to this perspective, it is the Lemurians we have to thank for shamanism, the yoga and the tai ch’i, for meditation and other wisdom-based traditions.

In a sense, as we have a left brain and a right brain, the Western hemisphere is the left and the Eastern hemisphere the right brain of the world. We even call these parts of the brain “hemispheres”. As within, so without, so to speak. This is a truth of the world today, and here is the mythical counterpart to that truth. Lemuria represents the path of ecocracy as Atlantis represents technocracy. Female/Male – Yin/Yang – Inner/Outer. Etc.
In the new myths of these old civilizations they are shown as opposing forces – one seeking knowledge without, one seeking knowledge within.
But how do these updated versions of the myths pop up in the collective consciousness? The myths themselves point to a phenomenon, or a plane, called The Akashic Records.
The Akashic Records
Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning Space. It is that level or dimension of reality where everything is stored. And I mean everything. Anything that has ever happened anywhere is found here, as if visiting a library of the multiverse. And you access it by going within, by following the wisdom path – the Lemurian method. The Akashic Records are stored in the collective subconsciousness, because basically, we are all one. Fractals of the Consciousness that IS the Universe. You just have to access the root drive.
Now, this method of understanding is looked down upon by many. Which is not hard to fathom, seeing as Atlantean thinking, meaning; understanding can only be found by external observation aka science; is dominant in our world. And we are taught not to trust our inner senses.
I, myself, accessed this plane on a journey with the Spirit Vine of the Amazon rain forest, Ayahuasca. I write about my experiences in depth in The Unbearable Everything. From an Atlantean perspective the inner knowing that arose in me is seen as an hallucination. From the Lemurian perspective it is as true as the observable reality, even more.
During my journeys I had a brief glimpse of what I perceived to be the mythical Atlantis, but also a more ancient story – a war a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
Heh. Yes. Exactly.
The Orion War

My vision was just a short glimpse, an unfolding of a personal story in the midst of this galactic conflict. But others who claim to access the Akashic records on a more regular basis, among them Matias de Stefano, are able to piece together a fuller picture of this story. This myth.
In The Unbearable Everything, I explain how I saw the Creation of the Universe, the Big Bang, as a split in the Universal Consciousness. When the only being in existence realised that it existed with a humongous I AM, reality unfolded itself as a fractal explosion of sentience. Unity became duality. The One became Yin and Yang, feminine and masculine. Polarity came into being and with polarity emerged reality. So, polarity is a prerequisite for existence. Polarity is the name of the game. Without contrast and opposition, there is no life.

Matias and others tell that at a certain point in the evolution of the Universe, when different races had evolved on different planets, a conflict of philosophy arose.
Everyone knew that they were One, that they were Consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, and that the point of existence was to return to the Source after having experienced every thinkable perspective of the Self. Like a Hero’s Journey on a truly massive scale. But there was a faction of beings that wanted to take a short cut and get away from this mortal coil.
Believing that this would be possible if they exterminated all life that disagreed with them, hence securing that all remaining life shared the same perspective, eliminating the very concept of polarity (and by extension, reality) they engaged the other beings in an all-out galactic war, centering around the Orion star system.
On one side of the conflict, beings who wanted to reach back to Unity by forcing their will in the objective outer reality to make everyone share the same perspective. Or to put it in other terms – Monoculture.
On the other side, beings who wanted to reach back to Unity by exploring their inner individual natures and find the sum of all the pluralities of perspectives to understand the Self. Or to put it in other terms – Polyculture.
The conflict raged on. But was not fully resolved. The polycultural crowd gathered the DNA of all the races involved in the war, from both sides. Then, using this combination of genetic polarities, they seeded humanity on Earth. Meaning that we, in the understanding of this story, have in our DNA a mirror of the Orion War. To find resolution in this Battle of the Self and the Universal Game, humanity would play it out between themselves. It happened in the rise of the two conflicting civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria, and it is happening now.
Fascinating story, no?
So, according to this myth we are the inner psychological battle of God. What to do? Do we choose one singular perspective in the name of technocracy or do we embrace the variety of perspective in the name of ecocracy? Or is there, perhaps, a middle way? Can we find a balance between these polarities?
Star Wars
Within this mythological framework, the myth of Star Wars is a mythical version of the factual events of the Orion War. A spin on a faint trickle of memory from the Akashic Records, a channel for histories hiding in our DNA. In other words, we are the Universe figuring itself out, trying to find a balance between perspectives. Now, Star Wars usually ends with the temporary triumph of the polycultural perspective, but the saviours of everyone is still a select elite – those capable of using the Force.
This is why I was so pleased to see Broom Boy at the end of The Last Jedi:
Even though this wasn’t really followed up on in the last film, this is still a significant mythical image. The Force of Life and Memory is not something only reserved for the special ones, it is available to all of us.
And, maybe, when we come to realise this, that we are all special, that all our perspectives are valid, no matter if it belongs to Bill Gates or a young woman from the Amazon rainforest or the bumble bee at the corner of your window struggling to get out, that we find understanding for those that believe these myths I have presented are representations of actual reality/something that has happened, and those that think they are bullshit, even for the perspective that there should be only one perspective, then we will be able to progress further on this Universal journey with a newfound sense of balance between polarities.
We are standing at a crossroads. One road leads to technocracy. The other to ecocracy. Are we able, like Broom Boy, to do the ground work? To call our brooms to us and start brushing out a third path, a corpus collosum between the left and the right brain, Yang and Yin, male and female, light and darkness.
And become line dancers in the wind.